Frequently asked questions.

Q: Do you offer make up classes

A: Yes! When you miss a class you are registered for, a make up is automatically credited to your account. You can then schedule your preferred make up date through the Portal. Contact us with any issues - we will be happy to schedule that for you.

Q: Do you offer trial classes?

A: Yes! We offer one class trial per new student you can sign up for it in the enrollment link here.

Q: When will my daughter move up a class?

A: Your athlete’s coach will approach you to let you know that a move-up has been approved. If your child has not yet achieved the required skills, efforts will be focused on keeping her challenged on all stations while she works to fulfill remaining requirements.

Q: When are payments due by?

A: Payments run regularly on the 1st of each month. If you enroll during the month, payment will prorate based on remaining classes for that month and will process within 1-3 business days.

Q: My Child wants to compete what do I do?

A: Please click here to contact us and learn more!